Results for: logo

FETBlur Text pattern
fetblur, blur, motion, blurry, text, alpha, banner, header, intro, logo, font, amazing, appear, best, line, lines, word, letter, character, cool, simple, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet The pattern creates blur transitions.
FETAlpha Text pattern
fetalpha, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, appear, blur, text, line, lines, blurry, word, letter, character, font, reveal, simple, easy, banner, header, logo, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet The pattern applies an alpha fade effect on the text.
FETChaotic Text pattern
fetchaotic, text, chaotic, zoom, zooming, magnify, magnifier, magnifying, glass, lens, scale, wind, elastic, font, character, letter, great, grow, growing, logo, fet, chaos Great pattern for text transitions generating a chaotic, magnifying glass-like movement.

FESAlpha Symbol pattern
fesalpha, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, mask, transparency, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, simple, banner, header, logo, website, websites, background, image, images, gallery, picture, pictures, reveal, easy, best, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern applies alpha transitions to the selected object using simple alpha transparency masks.
FEFReflection Filter pattern
fefreflection, reflect, reflection, mirror, reflecting, mirroring, 3d, web, 2.0, banner, logo, header, filter, bitmap, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fef The pattern allows you to make a mirror reflection of the target clip.

3d    ad    adjust    agitate    alpha    art    audio    background    balloon    banner    beat    bitmap    black    blind    blur    card    clouds    color    cool    creation    desaturate    domino    dots    down    drop    earthquake    explode    fade    fading    fall    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    fluid    folding    following    gallery    glitter    glow    glowing    gradual    growing    heart    hover    hypnotize    image    images    in    inner    jumping    lens    logo    magnifier    mask    masks    matrix    motion    offset    out    paper    particle    particles    photo    photography    picture    pictures    rain    raindrop    ripple    rock    rotating    scaling    scroll    shake    skew    slide    slides    slideshow    smoke    snow    spark    sparkle    spiral    splash    square    star    sun    transform    tv    unpack    volume    water    wave    waving    website    zoom