Results for: lens

FETChaotic Text pattern
fetchaotic, text, chaotic, zoom, zooming, magnify, magnifier, magnifying, glass, lens, scale, wind, elastic, font, character, letter, great, grow, growing, logo, fet, chaos Great pattern for text transitions generating a chaotic, magnifying glass-like movement.
FESLensGlare Symbol pattern
feslensglare, lensglare, lens, glare, flare, lense, shine, motion, banner, galaxy, shining, shiny, glimmer, glint, glitter, glittering, glossy, reveal, star, stars, white, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes A LensGlare movement reveals the target object.
FESReveal Symbol pattern
fesreveal, reveal, blur, clarity, lens, focus, revealing, appear, circle, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, image, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, photography, fes, love The pattern reveals the target clip in a similar manner as an artistic painting in a gallery.

2.0    3d    adjustments    ads    agitate    alpha    ascii    axis    banner    bars    bending    bevel    bitmap    black    blink    blur    border    bulge    cloud    color    cool    dream    drop    explode    fade    fading    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    galaxy    gallery    glass    glitter    glossy    glow    gold    growing    header    hover    image    images    in    industrial    intersecting    lasso    led    lens    line    logo    magnetic    magnifier    magnifying    mask    masks    matrix    motion    movie    out    pack    particle    particles    photo    picture    pieces    rain    random    realistic    reflecting    reflection    ripple    rotating    scroll    shadows    shake    shaking    shiny    skew    slide    slideshow    smoke    snow    sparkle    speed    splash    star    swirl    text    transform    tv    twinkling    water    wave    waving    website    word    zoom