Results for: bitmap

FETLineBurnAndFlow Text pattern
fetlineburnandflow, lineburnandflow, text, bending, burn, burning, bitmap, blood, cloud, clouds, line, lines, dissolve, fluid, gravity, liquid, fet The pattern creates lines based transitions using an innovative burning formula.
FESSquareExplode Symbol pattern
fessquareexplode, squareexplode, explosion, square, explode, squares, particle, particles, bitmap, break, symbol, movieclip, image, movie, clip, fes The pattern healps you re-create the phases of an explosion, with small particles flying into pieces.
FES3DCamSquareFocus Symbol pattern
fes3dcamsquarefocus, 3dcamsquarefocus, square, squares, fade, fading, blur, 3d, focus, pieces, broken, puzzle, explode, bitmap, break, rotation, rotating, rotate, perspective, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes This pattern allows you to divide the selected object in little squares and place them in a 3D space, at different distances from the "camera", followed by an impressive 3D movement of the squares.

FESBrightSquares Symbol pattern
fesbrightsquares, brightsquares, square, squares, scaling, scale, alpha, fade, in, out, fading, brightness, bitmap, glimmer, glitter, glittering, glare, image, gallery, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates scaling square-based transitions along with alpha and brightness effects.
FESEqualizer Symbol pattern
fesequalizer, equalizer, brightness, stripes, square, squares, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, volume, audio, bitmap, image, images, puzzle, picture, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes, down The pattern creates transitions that resemble the graphical display of an audio equalizer, along with a brightness effect.
FESSquareLight Symbol pattern
fessquarelight, squarelight, square, squares, pixel, pixelate, pixelation, brightness, scale, puzzle, mosaic, alpha, fade, fading, bitmap, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, image, fes This pattern applies flash transitions using scaling squares and light effect, similar to a burning brightness effect.

FESDesertIllusion Symbol pattern
fesdesertillusion, desertillusion, wave, waves, waving, desert, fata, morgana, mirage, dream, flag, bitmap, filter, dynamic, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, wind, fes The pattern enables you to create transitions with a smooth waving effect. This effect re-creates the illusion of seeing a mirage while wandering through the desert.
FESRipple Symbol pattern
fesripple, ripple, wave, waves, waving, ripples, bubble, bitmap, lense, magnifier, magnify, magnifying, glass, scale, symbol, image, movieclip, movie, clip, bulge, fes The pattern creates circular ripple flash transitions for the selected object.
FEFReflection Filter pattern
fefreflection, reflect, reflection, mirror, reflecting, mirroring, 3d, web, 2.0, banner, logo, header, filter, bitmap, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fef The pattern allows you to make a mirror reflection of the target clip.

FEFWaterReflection Filter pattern
fefwaterreflection, waterreflection, reflect, reflection, wave, waves, waving, water, bitmap, filter, moving, motion, movement, realistic, ripple, underwater, waterfall, mirror, ocean, sea, cool, fef The pattern applies a reflection with a waving water effect on the target clip.

3d    agitate    alpha    appear    art    audio    axis    banner    beveling    bitmap    blinds    blink    blur    bounce    clip    cloud    color    colors    cool    corner    cover    desaturate    domino    drop    duplicate    explode    fade    fading    fall    fill    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flickering    flip    flow    gallery    glint    glitter    glow    glowing    header    heart    horizontal    hover    image    in    industrial    inner    intersecting    jumping    laser    lasso    lens    logo    mask    matrix    mirage    motion    movement    movieclip    offset    out    particle    particles    perspective    photo    picture    rain    reveal    ripple    rolling    rotating    scroll    shades    shake    shapes    shooting    slide    slides    slideshow    snow    sparkle    sparkling    sphere    splash    star    stroke    track    tv    vertical    water    wave    waving    website    wind    word    zoom