Results for: magnify

FETScramble Text pattern
fetscramble, text, blur, magnifier, magnify, magnifying, glass, font, zoom, scramble, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, appear, bounce, bouncing, line, lines, word, letter, character, great, grow, growing, fet The pattern creates scrambled groups with smooth scale, blur and movement.
FETMagneticWind Text pattern
fetmagneticwind, magneticwind, text, random, wind, alpha, magnet, magnetic, magnifying, magnifier, magnify, glass, dissolve, dynamic, motion, movement, speed, scale, grow, growing, fet, chaos A wind simulation effect, a natural randomization of magnetic letter movements.
FETChaotic Text pattern
fetchaotic, text, chaotic, zoom, zooming, magnify, magnifier, magnifying, glass, lens, scale, wind, elastic, font, character, letter, great, grow, growing, logo, fet, chaos Great pattern for text transitions generating a chaotic, magnifying glass-like movement.

FESRipple Symbol pattern
fesripple, ripple, wave, waves, waving, ripples, bubble, bitmap, lense, magnifier, magnify, magnifying, glass, scale, symbol, image, movieclip, movie, clip, bulge, fes The pattern creates circular ripple flash transitions for the selected object.

3d    ads    agitate    alpha    background    banner    bar    bars    bitmap    blur    burn    card    chase    circles    clip    cloudy    color    contrast    cool    corner    desaturate    down    dream    drop    duplicate    elastic    electric    electricity    explode    fade    fading    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    gallery    glass    glitter    glow    growing    hex    hexagon    image    in    intersecting    layer    lens    levitate    liquid    logo    mask    masking    matrix    morgana    motion    offset    out    overlaying    particle    particles    photo    picture    pie    pouring    rain    reflection    ripple    rotating    round    scroll    shake    shiny    simple    sliced    slide    slideshow    snapshot    snow    sparkle    splash    star    sun    sunbeam    transmission    transparent    tv    twilight    twinkling    vertical    vignette    volume    water    wave    waving    website    white    zoom