Results for: best

FETBlur Text pattern
fetblur, blur, motion, blurry, text, alpha, banner, header, intro, logo, font, amazing, appear, best, line, lines, word, letter, character, cool, simple, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet The pattern creates blur transitions.
FET3DCamDepth Text pattern
fet3dcamdepth, 3dcamdepth, 3d, random, motion, bounce, bouncing, alpha, appear, splash, splatter, zoom, in, out, zooming, fade, banner, dynamic, elastic, flying, font, line, lines, perspective, text, word, letter, character, amazing, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fet Creates 3D transitions with an alpha random motion.
FETFallAndGlow Text pattern
fetfallandglow, fallandglow, text, glow, glowing, falling, random, fall, appear, best, bubble, bubbles, letter, character, cool, flow, font, gravity, banner, website, websites, intro, matrix, rain, raining, shine, shining, shiny, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet, love, down, christmas Creates transitions with random group based alpha and glow filters plus vertical falling movement.

FETVerticalDisolve Text pattern
fetverticaldissolve, verticaldissolve, text, random, alpha, glow, glowing, movement, dissolve, vertical, motion, banner, header, glare, glimmer, glint, glitter, glittering, glossy, rain, raining, best, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet, love, christmas Creates transitions with random group based alpha and glow filters plus vertical movement.
FETParticle Text pattern
fetparticle, text, particle, particles, spark, sparks, sparkle, sparkling, random, break, bubble, bubbles, bullet, explode, explosion, firework, fireworks, best, ad, ads, advertising, particle, fet, christmas The pattern creates effects with emitted small particles around the target text.
FET3DCamXYZPivot Text pattern
fet3dcamxyzpivot, 3dcamxyzpivot, 3d, text, rotate, rotation, rotating, spin, spinning, word, letter, character, splash, splashing, motion, movement, dynamic, cool, best, fet Creates spectacular 3D transitions with a 3D movement around a pivot point.

FETTwilight Text pattern
fettwilight, twilight, nightfall, text, glow, glowing, scale, sunset, amazing, blinking, cool, diamond, flare, glare, glimmer, glint, glitter, glittering, glossy, shine, shining, shiny, sun, sunrise, sunbeam, twinkle, twinkling, best, fet, beam The pattern creates a spectacular twilight transition, perfect to visualize the summer's sunset unique feeling.
FESAlpha Symbol pattern
fesalpha, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, mask, transparency, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, simple, banner, header, logo, website, websites, background, image, images, gallery, picture, pictures, reveal, easy, best, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern applies alpha transitions to the selected object using simple alpha transparency masks.
FESSlide Symbol pattern
fesslide, slide, slides, slider, slideshow, sliding, motion, blur, movement, bounce, bouncing, appear, website, websites, dynamic, elastic, banner, movieclip, movie, clip, image, cool, best, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern performs sliding in and out transitions with a motion blur effect.

FESBlur Symbol pattern
fesblur, blur, motion, appear, teleport, teleporting, simple, easy, reveal, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, website, websites, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fes Performs blur transitions based on one single default preset.
FESLensGlare Symbol pattern
feslensglare, lensglare, lens, glare, flare, lense, shine, motion, banner, galaxy, shining, shiny, glimmer, glint, glitter, glittering, glossy, reveal, star, stars, white, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes A LensGlare movement reveals the target object.
FESBrightSquares Symbol pattern
fesbrightsquares, brightsquares, square, squares, scaling, scale, alpha, fade, in, out, fading, brightness, bitmap, glimmer, glitter, glittering, glare, image, gallery, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates scaling square-based transitions along with alpha and brightness effects.

FESBlurSquare Symbol pattern
fesblursquare, blursquare, squares, square, alpha, blur, wave, waving, waves, water, flying, motion, movement, puzzle, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, fes The pattern divides the clip into squares and then generates transitions square by square, using alpha and blur effects, resulting an effect resembling the waves generated by a boat.
FESFlyingPanels Symbol pattern
fesflyingpanels, flyingpanels, panels, squares, flying, bars, bar, motion, 3d, line, movement, square, panel, dynamic, explode, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, fes The pattern divides the target display object in squares and applies a flying 3D movement on them.
FESStripesNo2 Symbol pattern
fesstripesno2, stripesno2, bars, scaling, bar, scaled, intersectig, stripes, stripe, line, lines, scale, slideshow, gallery, banner, website, websites, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates an intersecting scaling bars transition.

FESWavy Symbol pattern
feswavy, wavy, waving, bars, wave, waves, bar, fade, alpha, stripes, stripe, line, lines, bounce, bouncing, blind, blinds, elastic, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates effects with waving bars based on alpha transition.
FEFDropShadow Filter pattern
fefdropshadow, dropshadow, shadow, drop, aura, blur, filter, color, best, outline, ad, ads, advertising, fef The pattern lets you add a drop shadow filter to the target display object.
FEFReflection Filter pattern
fefreflection, reflect, reflection, mirror, reflecting, mirroring, 3d, web, 2.0, banner, logo, header, filter, bitmap, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fef The pattern allows you to make a mirror reflection of the target clip.

FEFGlow Filter pattern
fefglow, glow, glowing, glare, radiance, aura, shadow, shine, shining, filter, best, outline, fef The pattern applies a glow effect to the target display object.

3d    agitate    alpha    aura    banner    beveling    bitmap    blur    cloudy    color    colorize    colors    contrast    cool    drop    earthquake    emboss    explode    explosion    fade    fading    falling    fill    filter    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flickering    flip    flow    fog    frame    gallery    glitter    glittering    glow    graphic    group    heartbeat    hover    image    in    inner    lens    line    logo    magic    magnifying    mask    matrix    mirage    morgana    motion    moving    nightfall    noise    noisy    old    out    particle    particles    photo    picture    pulse    radiance    rain    reflecting    ripple    rolling    rotating    scroll    shake    shimmer    shine    shoot    shooting    slice    slide    slideshow    snow    snowfall    sparkle    spinning    splash    star    sunrise    sunset    tiling    transparent    tv    vignette    water    wave    waving    website    websites    whirl    zoom