Results for: zoom

FET3DCamDepth Text pattern
fet3dcamdepth, 3dcamdepth, 3d, random, motion, bounce, bouncing, alpha, appear, splash, splatter, zoom, in, out, zooming, fade, banner, dynamic, elastic, flying, font, line, lines, perspective, text, word, letter, character, amazing, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fet Creates 3D transitions with an alpha random motion.
FETScramble Text pattern
fetscramble, text, blur, magnifier, magnify, magnifying, glass, font, zoom, scramble, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, appear, bounce, bouncing, line, lines, word, letter, character, great, grow, growing, fet The pattern creates scrambled groups with smooth scale, blur and movement.
FETXYScale Text pattern
fetxyscale, xyscale, text, scale, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, wave, bounce, bouncing, flying, font, line, word, character, letter, motion, movement, 3d, website, websites, zoom, zooming, ad, ads, advertising, fet Scales and repositions the text together with an alpha fade.

FETXYResolve Text pattern
fetxyresolve, xyresolve, text, letter, motion, blur, random, word, zoom, magnifying, glass, scale, line, character, wind, movement, dynamic, appear, bounce, bouncing, fet, chaos Arranges the letters and words into the final text position by movement on the X,Y axes and scale animations adding offset motion blur.
FETChaotic Text pattern
fetchaotic, text, chaotic, zoom, zooming, magnify, magnifier, magnifying, glass, lens, scale, wind, elastic, font, character, letter, great, grow, growing, logo, fet, chaos Great pattern for text transitions generating a chaotic, magnifying glass-like movement.
FESZoom Symbol pattern
feszoom, zoom, fade, fading, in, out, scale, appear, zooming, simple, image, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, fes The pattern zooms in or out the target object making it fade in and out.

FESZoomBlur Symbol pattern
feszoomblur, zoomblur, zoom, blur, in, out, zooming, appear, focus, reveal, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern zooms in or out the target making it blurred.

3d    agitate    alpha    banner    bending    bitmap    blood    blur    border    candle    color    cool    corners    cover    drop    earthquake    explode    fade    fading    fill    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    floating    flow    fold    folding    gallery    glitter    glow    glowing    grow    header    hexagon    image    in    intro    led    lens    light    logo    mask    matrix    mirage    morgana    motion    mystery    ocean    out    outline    overlaying    particle    particles    photo    picture    pulse    rain    random    realistic    retro    ripple    rolling    rotating    rounded    scale    scaling    scan    scroll    sepia    shadow    shake    shapes    shooting    slide    slideshow    sliding    snow    sparkle    sparkling    spin    splash    square    star    station    stroke    symbol    track    transform    tv    twinkling    vibration    vignette    water    wave    waving    website    zoom