Results for: rotating

FETCreation Text pattern
fetcreation, text, creation, shift, horizontal, vertical, axis, blur, shadow, flying, rotate, rolling, rotating, rotation, amazing, appear, cool, dynamic, font, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet, love The pattern presents the process of the text's creation. The text shifts along the horizontal axis with a blurred shadow to its original position and then rotates with a scale effect.
FET3DCamFocus Text pattern
fet3dcamfocus, 3dcamfocus, 3d, focus, text, perspective, blur, dynamic, line, word, character, letter, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, fet Creates transitions with a 3D movement by moving the camera's focus from the selected item of the text to the center of the TextField.
FETSpinningGenie Text pattern
fetspinninggenie, spinninggenie, text, spiral, rotate, rotating, blur, scale, genie, ghost, character, line, lines, word, letter, motion, movement, dynamic, spin, spinning, swirl, wave, waving, greetings, fet The pattern creates spinning groups with smooth scale and blur motion.

FET3DCamMatrix Text pattern
fet3dcammatrix, 3dcammatrix, 3d, matrix, blur, alpha, text, fade, fading, in, out, appear, cool, dynamic, flying, font, character, letter, word, line, lines, intro, motion, movement, rolling, rotating, rotate, rotation, sphere, spin, spinning, perspective, fet This Matrix-style pattern creates a very interesting rotating 3D movement based on alpha and blur filters. The 3D motion is applied until the text occupies its original position.
FET3DMotion Text pattern
fet3dmotion, 3dmotion, 3d, text, alpha, fade, blur, rotate, rotating, rotation, flip, flipping, slide, sliding, banner, dynamic, website, websites, flying, line, lines, perspective, header, motion, movement, spin, spinning, intersecting, intersect, fet As its name suggests, the pattern creates transitions with unique 3D movements based on alpha fade, blur, rotation and scale effects.
FETIndustrial Text pattern
fetindustrial, text, rotate, rotation, rotating, pieces, layer, layers, industrial, puzzle, slide, sliding, fet, divide Creates industrial-like, complex movement and rotation transitions based on separating the text on layers to recreate it back like in an industrial puzzle.

FET3DCamXYZPivot Text pattern
fet3dcamxyzpivot, 3dcamxyzpivot, 3d, text, rotate, rotation, rotating, spin, spinning, word, letter, character, splash, splashing, motion, movement, dynamic, cool, best, fet Creates spectacular 3D transitions with a 3D movement around a pivot point.
FETSpiral Text pattern
fetspiral, text, spiral, rotate, rotation, rotating, blur, motion, moving, movement, rolling, spin, spinning, wave, waving, waves, wind, fet The pattern creates spiral and rotating transitions with added motion blur and scale.
FETSpiralNo2 Text pattern
fetspiralno2, spiralno2, text, spiral, rotate, rotation, rotating, blur, motion, offset, movement, fall, falling, dynamic, wave, waves, waving, spin, spinning, wind, gravity, fet The pattern creates spiral and rotating transitions with added motion blur, scale and position offset.

FETIndustrial2 Text pattern
fetindustrial2, industrial2, text, rotate, rotation, rotating, pieces, layer, layers, industrial, puzzle, slide, sliding, fet, divide Creates industrial-like, complex movement and rotation transitions based on separating the texts on layers to recreate it back like in an industrial puzzle.
FES3DCamSquareFocus Symbol pattern
fes3dcamsquarefocus, 3dcamsquarefocus, square, squares, fade, fading, blur, 3d, focus, pieces, broken, puzzle, explode, bitmap, break, rotation, rotating, rotate, perspective, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes This pattern allows you to divide the selected object in little squares and place them in a 3D space, at different distances from the "camera", followed by an impressive 3D movement of the squares.
FESMultipleFlip Symbol pattern
fesmultipleflip, multipleflip, spiral, wave, waves, waving, stripe, stripes, flip, flipping, 3d, amazing, blind, blinds, line, lines, bar, bars, dynamic, flying, mask, masking, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, cool, fes The pattern creates waving, spiral-like, multiple 3D flip effects on the target object.

FEFAura Filter pattern
fefaura, aura, shadow, glow, blur, motion, movement, rotating, rolling, rotation, rotate, filter, outline, fef Not only human creations have aura. The filter pattern applies an aura-like effect around the target display object.

2.0    3d    ad    agitate    alpha    appear    aura    banner    bitmap    blur    blurry    broken    bubble    bullet    candle    circular    cloud    color    cool    diamond    dots    drop    earthquake    electricity    equalizer    explode    fade    fading    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flashing    flip    flow    follow    gallery    glitter    glittering    glow    gold    hover    hue    image    in    lens    logo    magnetic    mask    matrix    memory    motion    out    particle    particles    photo    picture    pictures    polaroid    pouring    radiance    rain    ripple    rotating    rounded    run    scramble    scroll    shake    shape    shining    shutter    slide    slider    slides    slideshow    slow    smoke    snow    snowfall    sparkle    spiral    splash    star    sun    symbol    television    transmission    transparency    tv    underwater    water    waterfall    wave    waving    web    website    wind    zoom