Results for: mask

FETWavesMask Text pattern
fetwavesmask, wavesmask, text, waving, wave, waves, blur, mask, masking, line, bar, reveal, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, font, fet The pattern applies impressive waving transitions based on text masking.
FETScrollSlideGlow Text pattern
fetscrollslideglow, scrollslideglow, text, scrolling, scroll, glow, glowing, gradual, slide, mask, alpha, fade, out, in, appear, line, word, character, letter, aura, blinking, font, glare, glossy, greetings, fet Creates scrolling text effects based on a glow filter and uses a mask to create a gradual appearance for the text.
FETScrollSlide Text pattern
fetscrollslide, scrollslide, text, scroll, scrolling, alpha, gradual, slide, sliding, word, line, lines, character, letter, mask, movement, motion, fet Creates scrolling text effects based on an alpha filter and uses a mask to create a gradual appearance for the text.

FETScrollSlideBlur Text pattern
fetscrollslideblur, scrollslideblur, text, scroll, scrolling, blur, gradual, slide, mask, alpha, slider, fet Creates scrolling text effects based on a blur filter and uses a mask to create a gradual appearance for the text.
FETGlowAndBurn Text pattern
fetglowandburn, glowandburn, glow, burn, burning, group, text, filter, cloud, clouds, reveal, mask, fet Creates transitions with random group based glow filter on letters, words or lines.
FETNeonTubes Text pattern
fetneontubes, neontubes, text, neon, flicker, flickering, flashing, blinking, electric, electricity, mask, masking, fet The pattern creates lightning neon tubes on groups.

FETVerticalStripes Text pattern
fetverticalstripes, verticalstripes, text, stripe, stripes, gradual, particles, pieces, random, line, lines, bar, bars, mask, masking, domino, grow, growing, puzzle, layer, layers, fet The pattern applies vertical stripes transitions, showing and hiding the target text field.
FESAlpha Symbol pattern
fesalpha, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, mask, transparency, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, simple, banner, header, logo, website, websites, background, image, images, gallery, picture, pictures, reveal, easy, best, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern applies alpha transitions to the selected object using simple alpha transparency masks.
FESAlphaBars Symbol pattern
fesalphabars, alphabars, bar, bars, alpha, transparency, mask, stripes, stripe, fade, fading, in, out, reveal, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes Performs transitions using vertical and horizontal alpha transparency bars.

FESPhoto Symbol pattern
fesphoto, camera, photo, snapshot, shutter, alpha, fade, fading, mask, picture, image, pictures, polaroid, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, greetings, photography, fes The pattern makes the selected object appear or disappear like a photo snapshot.
FESIris Symbol pattern
fesiris, iris, circle, circular, mask, circles, bounce, bouncing, image, movie, clip, movieclip, symbol, fes The pattern reveals the target clip object by using a widening-narrowing mask of a circle shape.
FESClouds Symbol pattern
fesclouds, cloud, burning, clouds, appear, burn, dissolve, mask, sky, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, greetings, fes The pattern is designed to create transitions using a burning cloud effect, in a way that resembles the clouds covering the bright sky.

FESChaoticMasks Symbol pattern
feschaoticmasks, chaoticmasks, random, chaotic, mask, masks, masking, disassembled, gallery, slideshow, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, image, cool, fes, divide The pattern creates a series of disassembled masks that apply to the clip in a chaotic manner.
FESStripes Symbol pattern
fesstripes, stripes, stripe, bar, bars, scaling, scale, mask, line, lines, masking, image, movie, clip, movieclip, symbol, fes The pattern allows you to perform cool stripe effects, vertical and horizontal bars that uncover the target.
FESMultipleFlip Symbol pattern
fesmultipleflip, multipleflip, spiral, wave, waves, waving, stripe, stripes, flip, flipping, 3d, amazing, blind, blinds, line, lines, bar, bars, dynamic, flying, mask, masking, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, cool, fes The pattern creates waving, spiral-like, multiple 3D flip effects on the target object.

FESDisc Symbol pattern
fesdisc, disk, disc, pie, graphic, clock, mask, masking, reveal, banner, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern shows or hides the target object with a pie-shaped mask.
FESSquareMS Symbol pattern
fessquarems, squarems, squares, fade, shapes, alpha, mask, square, image, picture, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes The pattern applies square effect transitions based on different shapes, adding an alpha fade effect.
FEFRoundedMask Filter pattern
fefroundedmask, roundedmask, rounded, mask, masking, corners, frame, border, stroke, image, photo, picture, filter, fef This pattern applies a rounded corners mask on the target clip.

FEFGridSquares Filter pattern
fefgridsquares, gridsquares, square, squares, mask, masking, retro, industrial, pixel, led, round, rounded, disco, filter, fef, divide The pattern applies a grid mask over the clip, to give it a retro or "industrial" look.

3d    agitate    alpha    audio    aura    background    banner    bars    beat    bevel    beveling    bitmap    black    blind    blur    break    brightness    cells    cloud    cloudy    color    cool    disco    disk    display    down    drop    earthquake    electricity    explode    fade    fading    falling    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    focus    fog    gallery    glimmer    glitter    glossy    glow    glowing    gold    great    image    images    in    intersect    lens    logo    magnifier    mask    matrix    motion    offset    out    particle    particles    photo    picture    rain    ripple    rotating    rotation    run    scramble    scroll    shake    shining    slide    slideshow    snow    snowdrift    snowing    sparkle    splash    star    stroke    teleporting    text    tiles    transmission    tv    twinkle    twinkling    water    wave    waving    website    websites    weightlessness    whirl    wind    zoom