Results for: blurry

FETBlur Text pattern
fetblur, blur, motion, blurry, text, alpha, banner, header, intro, logo, font, amazing, appear, best, line, lines, word, letter, character, cool, simple, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet The pattern creates blur transitions.
FETAlpha Text pattern
fetalpha, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, appear, blur, text, line, lines, blurry, word, letter, character, font, reveal, simple, easy, banner, header, logo, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet The pattern applies an alpha fade effect on the text.
FEFBlur Filter pattern
fefblur, blur, gaussian, filter, blurry, cloudy, fef, fog The pattern applies a blur filter to the selected object.

FEFBlurVignette Filter pattern
fefblurvignette, blurvignette, blur, vignette, filter, blurry, greetings, photography, fef, fog The pattern gives a vignette-like effect to the target display object based on blur filter.
FEFFocusBlur Filter pattern
feffocusblur, focusblur, blur, filter, focus, linear, blurry, fef The pattern creates a blur effect with a linear focus.
FEFLevitate Filter pattern
feflevitate, levitate, flicker, filter, motion, blur, weightlessness, blurry, flying, hover, greetings, fef, love The pattern creates the state of weightlessness, the target object levitates easily with a light blur effect.

FEFFocusBlurRadial Filter pattern
feffocusblurradial, focusblurradial, blur, filter, focus, radial, blurry, fef The pattern creates a blur effect with a radial focus.

3d    ad    ads    agitate    alpha    appear    ascii    banner    bitmap    blink    blood    blur    bullet    cells    clarity    color    cool    disassembled    distortion    divide    drop    duplication    explode    fade    fading    filter    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flicker    flip    flow    fog    follow    following    gallery    ghost    glitter    glow    gradual    great    greetings    image    in    lens    lense    logo    mask    matrix    morgana    motion    movement    out    particle    particles    photo    picture    pictures    pouring    rain    reflect    ripple    rolling    rotate    rotating    rotation    saturation    scroll    shades    shadows    shake    shapes    shimmer    shoot    shooting    skew    slide    slider    slideshow    snow    snowfall    sparkle    splash    star    station    stripe    stripes    stroke    television    tiling    transparency    tv    water    wave    waving    website    weightlessness    zoom