Results for: flipping

FET3DMotion Text pattern
fet3dmotion, 3dmotion, 3d, text, alpha, fade, blur, rotate, rotating, rotation, flip, flipping, slide, sliding, banner, dynamic, website, websites, flying, line, lines, perspective, header, motion, movement, spin, spinning, intersecting, intersect, fet As its name suggests, the pattern creates transitions with unique 3D movements based on alpha fade, blur, rotation and scale effects.
FESMultipleFlip Symbol pattern
fesmultipleflip, multipleflip, spiral, wave, waves, waving, stripe, stripes, flip, flipping, 3d, amazing, blind, blinds, line, lines, bar, bars, dynamic, flying, mask, masking, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, cool, fes The pattern creates waving, spiral-like, multiple 3D flip effects on the target object.
FESFlip Symbol pattern
fesflip, flip, flipping, 3d, perspective, distort, distortion, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, card, paper, page, fes The pattern allows you to flip objects across a selected axis.

FESFlipBars Symbol pattern
fesflipbars, flipbars, flip, flipping, bars, bar, window, blind, blinds, shades, gallery, slideshow, line, lines, wave, waving, waves, image, symbol, movie, clip, movieclip, card, fes The pattern enables you to create flipping bars transitions over the target object across a selected axis.
FESUnpack Symbol pattern
fesunpack, flip, flipping, pack, unpack, distort, distortion, perspective, reveal, folding, image, movie, clip, symbol, movieclip, fes, divide Packs and unpacks the target object using real distortion flipping.
FESFlipSquare Symbol pattern
fesflipsquare, flipsquare, flip, squares, square, flipping, distort, distortion, perspective, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, card, fes The pattern enables you to create flipping squares transitions over the target object across a selected axis.

3d    ads    agitate    alpha    alteration    banner    bar    bevel    bitmap    blink    blur    border    broken    burn    character    circular    color    cool    disassembled    disk    drop    explode    fade    fading    falling    fill    filter    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flashing    flip    flow    fold    gallery    glitter    glittering    glow    greetings    image    in    jumping    lens    levitate    lightness    liquid    logo    magnet    manipulation    mask    matrix    mirror    mirroring    mosaic    motion    out    panels    particle    particles    photo    picture    rain    reflecting    ripple    rolling    rotating    round    scanning    scroll    shades    shake    shaking    shape    slide    slider    slides    slideshow    snow    snowflake    spark    sparkle    spin    splash    star    sun    teleport    text    transition    transparent    tv    vertical    volume    water    waterfall    wave    waving    website    zoom