Results for: shadow

FETCreation Text pattern
fetcreation, text, creation, shift, horizontal, vertical, axis, blur, shadow, flying, rotate, rolling, rotating, rotation, amazing, appear, cool, dynamic, font, website, websites, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fet, love The pattern presents the process of the text's creation. The text shifts along the horizontal axis with a blurred shadow to its original position and then rotates with a scale effect.
FEFDropShadow Filter pattern
fefdropshadow, dropshadow, shadow, drop, aura, blur, filter, color, best, outline, ad, ads, advertising, fef The pattern lets you add a drop shadow filter to the target display object.
FEFShadow Filter pattern
fefshadow, shadow, shadows, 3d, web, 2.0, filter, cool, fef This pattern allows you to easily add shadows to the target clip, for a realistic 3D effect.

FEFAura Filter pattern
fefaura, aura, shadow, glow, blur, motion, movement, rotating, rolling, rotation, rotate, filter, outline, fef Not only human creations have aura. The filter pattern applies an aura-like effect around the target display object.
FEFGlow Filter pattern
fefglow, glow, glowing, glare, radiance, aura, shadow, shine, shining, filter, best, outline, fef The pattern applies a glow effect to the target display object.
FEFGradientBevel Filter pattern
fefgradientbevel, gradientbevel, bevel, beveling, 3d, emboss, gradient, border, inner, shadow, frame, image, photo, picture, filter, outline, fef This pattern applies a gradient bevel effect to the target display object, which gives it a three-dimensional look.

FEFMoonShine Filter pattern
fefmoonshine, moonshine, glow, glowing, soft, color, gradient, moonlight, 3d, shadow, filter, fef This filter will help you to easily create a soft glowing moon-like effect, particularly over text.
FEFGradientGlow Filter pattern
fefgradientglow, gradientglow, glow, gradient, glowing, glare, radiance, aura, shadow, shine, shining, filter, outline, fef The pattern applies a gradient glow effect to the target display object.

3d    ad    advertising    agitate    alpha    amazing    ascii    banner    bitmap    blind    blood    blur    bounce    break    camera    clouds    color    colorize    cool    desert    display    drop    duplicate    earthquake    electric    explode    fade    fading    fire    firework    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    fold    font    framing    gallery    glitter    glow    gold    image    in    intersecting    lens    letter    logo    magic    magnet    magnetic    manipulation    mask    matrix    morgana    motion    movieclip    out    particle    particles    perspective    photo    picture    pixelate    rain    raindrop    ripple    ripples    rotating    rounded    running    scanning    scroll    shake    slice    slide    slideshow    smoke    snow    sparkle    splash    star    sun    text    tiles    transition    tv    twilight    vertical    vibrate    water    wave    waves    waving    website    weightlessness    white    window    zoom