Results for: cloud

FETLineBurnAndFlow Text pattern
fetlineburnandflow, lineburnandflow, text, bending, burn, burning, bitmap, blood, cloud, clouds, line, lines, dissolve, fluid, gravity, liquid, fet The pattern creates lines based transitions using an innovative burning formula.
FETGlowAndBurn Text pattern
fetglowandburn, glowandburn, glow, burn, burning, group, text, filter, cloud, clouds, reveal, mask, fet Creates transitions with random group based glow filter on letters, words or lines.
FESClouds Symbol pattern
fesclouds, cloud, burning, clouds, appear, burn, dissolve, mask, sky, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, greetings, fes The pattern is designed to create transitions using a burning cloud effect, in a way that resembles the clouds covering the bright sky.

FEFSnow Filter pattern
fefsnow, snow, snowing, snowflake, snowfall, winter, filter, rain, drop, bullet, cloud, clouds, raindrop, pouring, cool, greetings, fef, christmas The pattern brings the feeling of winter by drawing falling snowflakes over the target object.

3d    agitate    alpha    background    banner    bevel    bitmap    blood    blur    bulge    camera    circles    clip    cloud    color    cool    dissolve    drop    earthquake    elastic    electricity    enigmatic    explode    fade    fading    falling    fata    fill    filling    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    frame    gallery    glitter    glow    grid    hex    image    in    intersect    jumping    laser    led    lens    logo    love    manipulation    mask    matrix    mirroring    morgana    motion    movie    mystery    out    page    panels    particle    particles    photo    picture    pie    rain    random    ripple    rock    rotating    scanning    scramble    scroll    shake    shapes    simple    slide    slideshow    snow    snowdrift    sparkle    spin    spinning    splash    star    stardust    sunset    swirl    tiles    tv    unpack    water    waterfall    wave    waving    website    wind    zoom