Results for: symbol

FESAlpha Symbol pattern
fesalpha, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, mask, transparency, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, simple, banner, header, logo, website, websites, background, image, images, gallery, picture, pictures, reveal, easy, best, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern applies alpha transitions to the selected object using simple alpha transparency masks.
FESBlur Symbol pattern
fesblur, blur, motion, appear, teleport, teleporting, simple, easy, reveal, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, website, websites, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, fes Performs blur transitions based on one single default preset.
FESZoom Symbol pattern
feszoom, zoom, fade, fading, in, out, scale, appear, zooming, simple, image, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, fes The pattern zooms in or out the target object making it fade in and out.

FESAlphaBars Symbol pattern
fesalphabars, alphabars, bar, bars, alpha, transparency, mask, stripes, stripe, fade, fading, in, out, reveal, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes Performs transitions using vertical and horizontal alpha transparency bars.
FESFlashSlide Symbol pattern
fesflashslide, flashslide, slide, slides, slider, slideshow, sliding, motion, blink, blinking, movement, dynamic, website, websites, bounce, bouncing, elastic, appear, banner, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, greetings, fes The pattern performs sliding in and out transitions with a flashlight effect.
FESSparkle Symbol pattern
fessparkle, spark, sparks, sparkle, sparkling, magic, particle, particles, slide, explode, explosion, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, cool, greetings, fes, christmas The pattern shows or hides the target clip with a sparkling effect based on magic sparkling particles.

FESLensGlare Symbol pattern
feslensglare, lensglare, lens, glare, flare, lense, shine, motion, banner, galaxy, shining, shiny, glimmer, glint, glitter, glittering, glossy, reveal, star, stars, white, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes A LensGlare movement reveals the target object.
FESScale Symbol pattern
fesscale, scale, transition, blur, motion, 3d, grow, growing, apppear, bounce, bouncing, intro, reveal, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates scale transitions with customizable motion blur.
FESSquareExplode Symbol pattern
fessquareexplode, squareexplode, explosion, square, explode, squares, particle, particles, bitmap, break, symbol, movieclip, image, movie, clip, fes The pattern healps you re-create the phases of an explosion, with small particles flying into pieces.

FESLightStripes Symbol pattern
feslightstripes, lightstripes, stripe, stripes, bars, blur, motion, bar, reveal, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, greetings, fes The pattern creates effects based on blurry stripes.
FES3DCamSquareFocus Symbol pattern
fes3dcamsquarefocus, 3dcamsquarefocus, square, squares, fade, fading, blur, 3d, focus, pieces, broken, puzzle, explode, bitmap, break, rotation, rotating, rotate, perspective, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes This pattern allows you to divide the selected object in little squares and place them in a 3D space, at different distances from the "camera", followed by an impressive 3D movement of the squares.
FESBrightSquares Symbol pattern
fesbrightsquares, brightsquares, square, squares, scaling, scale, alpha, fade, in, out, fading, brightness, bitmap, glimmer, glitter, glittering, glare, image, gallery, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates scaling square-based transitions along with alpha and brightness effects.

FESPhoto Symbol pattern
fesphoto, camera, photo, snapshot, shutter, alpha, fade, fading, mask, picture, image, pictures, polaroid, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, greetings, photography, fes The pattern makes the selected object appear or disappear like a photo snapshot.
FESIris Symbol pattern
fesiris, iris, circle, circular, mask, circles, bounce, bouncing, image, movie, clip, movieclip, symbol, fes The pattern reveals the target clip object by using a widening-narrowing mask of a circle shape.
FESClouds Symbol pattern
fesclouds, cloud, burning, clouds, appear, burn, dissolve, mask, sky, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, greetings, fes The pattern is designed to create transitions using a burning cloud effect, in a way that resembles the clouds covering the bright sky.

FESChaoticMasks Symbol pattern
feschaoticmasks, chaoticmasks, random, chaotic, mask, masks, masking, disassembled, gallery, slideshow, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, image, cool, fes, divide The pattern creates a series of disassembled masks that apply to the clip in a chaotic manner.
FESReveal Symbol pattern
fesreveal, reveal, blur, clarity, lens, focus, revealing, appear, circle, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, image, ad, ads, advertising, greetings, photography, fes, love The pattern reveals the target clip in a similar manner as an artistic painting in a gallery.
FESStripes Symbol pattern
fesstripes, stripes, stripe, bar, bars, scaling, scale, mask, line, lines, masking, image, movie, clip, movieclip, symbol, fes The pattern allows you to perform cool stripe effects, vertical and horizontal bars that uncover the target.

FESShimmer Symbol pattern
fesshimmer, shimmer, star, stars, gold, diamond, blinking, flare, glare, glimmer, glint, glitter, glittering, glossy, shine, shining, shiny, twinkle, twinkling, symbol, image, movieclip, movie, clip, greetings, fes, beam The pattern creates similar shinny effect, like the sunbeams play on the water.
FESBadTransmission Symbol pattern
fesbadtransmission, badtransmission, bad, tv, screen, transmission, television, noise, noisy, flicker, flickering, electric, electricity, old, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes This pattern allows you to play with your clip and create a bad transmission-like effect, like those you find in the ol' days of television.
FESPixelate Symbol pattern
fespixelate, pixel, pixelate, pixelation, tiles, mosaic, squares, square, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, fes The pattern applies "pixelate" transitions to the selected object.

FESExplodePixel Symbol pattern
fesexplodepixel, explodepixel, explosion, squares, blur, scale, explode, square, break, image, symbol, movie, clip, movieclip, fes, chaos The pattern creates transitions with a bombastic explosion effect.
FESBlurSquare Symbol pattern
fesblursquare, blursquare, squares, square, alpha, blur, wave, waving, waves, water, flying, motion, movement, puzzle, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, fes The pattern divides the clip into squares and then generates transitions square by square, using alpha and blur effects, resulting an effect resembling the waves generated by a boat.
FESWhirl Symbol pattern
feswhirl, wave, waving, waves, whirl, swirl, water, ocean, sea, spin, spinning, symbol, image, movie, clip, movieclip, fes The pattern creates transitions with a whirl-like effect based on the color mode of the DisplacementMapFilter.

FESFlyingPanels Symbol pattern
fesflyingpanels, flyingpanels, panels, squares, flying, bars, bar, motion, 3d, line, movement, square, panel, dynamic, explode, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, fes The pattern divides the target display object in squares and applies a flying 3D movement on them.
FESFloatingWaves Symbol pattern
fesfloatingwaves, floatingwaves, bars, waves, wave, floating, bar, window, blind, blinds, slide, sliding, motion, slideshow, gallery, elastic, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, image, fes The pattern performs floating bar-waves effects based on several different presets.
FESMultipleFlip Symbol pattern
fesmultipleflip, multipleflip, spiral, wave, waves, waving, stripe, stripes, flip, flipping, 3d, amazing, blind, blinds, line, lines, bar, bars, dynamic, flying, mask, masking, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, cool, fes The pattern creates waving, spiral-like, multiple 3D flip effects on the target object.

FESRoundedSquareScale Symbol pattern
fesroundedsquarescale, roundedsquarescale, square, squares, scaling, rounded, corner, scale, bubble, bubbles, puzzle, gallery, slideshow, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern creates effects based on animated squares with rounded corners, which are scaled during the transition.
FESDisc Symbol pattern
fesdisc, disk, disc, pie, graphic, clock, mask, masking, reveal, banner, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern shows or hides the target object with a pie-shaped mask.
FESFlip Symbol pattern
fesflip, flip, flipping, 3d, perspective, distort, distortion, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, card, paper, page, fes The pattern allows you to flip objects across a selected axis.

FESStripesNo2 Symbol pattern
fesstripesno2, stripesno2, bars, scaling, bar, scaled, intersectig, stripes, stripe, line, lines, scale, slideshow, gallery, banner, website, websites, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates an intersecting scaling bars transition.
FESEqualizer Symbol pattern
fesequalizer, equalizer, brightness, stripes, square, squares, alpha, fade, fading, in, out, volume, audio, bitmap, image, images, puzzle, picture, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes, down The pattern creates transitions that resemble the graphical display of an audio equalizer, along with a brightness effect.
FESSquareMS Symbol pattern
fessquarems, squarems, squares, fade, shapes, alpha, mask, square, image, picture, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes The pattern applies square effect transitions based on different shapes, adding an alpha fade effect.

FESIntersectingStripes Symbol pattern
fesintersectingstripes, intersectingstripes, bar, bars, stripe, stripes, blur, motion, intersectig, line, lines, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, fes The pattern creates transitions based on scaled bars, which have an intersecting movement, with a blur motion.
FESWavy Symbol pattern
feswavy, wavy, waving, bars, wave, waves, bar, fade, alpha, stripes, stripe, line, lines, bounce, bouncing, blind, blinds, elastic, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates effects with waving bars based on alpha transition.
FESFlipBars Symbol pattern
fesflipbars, flipbars, flip, flipping, bars, bar, window, blind, blinds, shades, gallery, slideshow, line, lines, wave, waving, waves, image, symbol, movie, clip, movieclip, card, fes The pattern enables you to create flipping bars transitions over the target object across a selected axis.

FESUnpack Symbol pattern
fesunpack, flip, flipping, pack, unpack, distort, distortion, perspective, reveal, folding, image, movie, clip, symbol, movieclip, fes, divide Packs and unpacks the target object using real distortion flipping.
FESSquareLight Symbol pattern
fessquarelight, squarelight, square, squares, pixel, pixelate, pixelation, brightness, scale, puzzle, mosaic, alpha, fade, fading, bitmap, movieclip, symbol, movie, clip, image, fes This pattern applies flash transitions using scaling squares and light effect, similar to a burning brightness effect.
FESZoomBlur Symbol pattern
feszoomblur, zoomblur, zoom, blur, in, out, zooming, appear, focus, reveal, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern zooms in or out the target making it blurred.

FESSquareScale Symbol pattern
fessquarescale, squarescale, squares, scaling, square, scale, puzzle, gallery, slideshow, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes The pattern applies scaling squares-based effects on the selected object.
FESDuplication Symbol pattern
fesduplication, random, duplicate, duplication, bounce, bouncing, shake, shaking, image, chaotic, motion, vibration, rock, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern creates duplicates of the target object and places them into random positions.
FESFlipSquare Symbol pattern
fesflipsquare, flipsquare, flip, squares, square, flipping, distort, distortion, perspective, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, card, fes The pattern enables you to create flipping squares transitions over the target object across a selected axis.

FESWaves Symbol pattern
feswaves, wave, waves, waving, bars, stripe, stripes, scale, bar, blind, blinds, shades, gallery, slideshow, line, lines, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes Performs bar waves effects based on several different presets.
FESSquareFade Symbol pattern
fessquarefade, squarefade, squares, square, bar, bars, fade, alpha, in, out, fading, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, fes The pattern creates transitions based on square effect along with an alpha fade effect.
FESScaleBars Symbol pattern
fesscalebars, scalebars, bars, scaled, bar, stripe, stripes, window, blind, blinds, scale, scaling, line, lines, shades, slider, image, gallery, slideshow, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, card, fes The pattern creates transitions based on scaled bars that resemble window blinds, covering and uncovering the window.

FESMystery Symbol pattern
fesmystery, mystery, reveal, enigmatic, amazing, appear, fill, filling, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, fes The pattern creates mysterious/strange appearance and disappearance of the target clip.
FESWavesScale Symbol pattern
feswavesscale, wavesscale, wave, waves, waving, bar, bars, stripe, stripes, motion, random, line, lines, gallery, slideshow, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern rearranges the mixed pieces of the target display object.
FESDesertIllusion Symbol pattern
fesdesertillusion, desertillusion, wave, waves, waving, desert, fata, morgana, mirage, dream, flag, bitmap, filter, dynamic, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, wind, fes The pattern enables you to create transitions with a smooth waving effect. This effect re-creates the illusion of seeing a mirage while wandering through the desert.

FESRipple Symbol pattern
fesripple, ripple, wave, waves, waving, ripples, bubble, bitmap, lense, magnifier, magnify, magnifying, glass, scale, symbol, image, movieclip, movie, clip, bulge, fes The pattern creates circular ripple flash transitions for the selected object.
FESWigiligi Symbol pattern
feswigiligi, wigiligi, fade, in, out, shake, shaking, bar, bars, line, lines, vibrate, vibration, earthquake, agitate, bounce, bouncing, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern applies transitions with a chaotic shaking effect over the target object like the text on the screen after a brief power outage.
FESFlame Symbol pattern
fesflame, flame, flames, burn, burning, fire, text, symbol, image, picture, candle, movieclip, movie, clip, smoke, fes The pattern creates show and hide transitions by flaming up the target object.

2.0    3d    ad    adjustments    ads    agitate    alpha    banner    best    bitmap    blind    blinds    blink    blur    card    chaotic    circle    circular    cloud    color    cool    corner    distortion    drop    earthquake    easy    elastic    enigmatic    explode    fade    fading    fata    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flicker    flip    flipping    flow    flying    gallery    glitter    glow    gravity    great    hex    hypnotize    image    in    industrial    intersect    lens    letter    logo    mask    masks    matrix    mirroring    morgana    motion    out    paper    particle    particles    photo    picture    pixelate    rain    reveal    ripple    rotate    rotating    round    rounded    scroll    shake    shiny    shoot    slices    slide    slideshow    snow    snowflake    sparkle    splash    star    station    sunset    track    transparency    tv    water    waterfall    wave    waving    website    zoom    zooming